Understanding How To Achieve The Aims of a Document Management Strategy
Sometimes defining what we want to achieve with a project is easier than defining how we achieve it. This is true for implementing a document management strategy just as much as any other type of project or new process. The “how” element can be simplified by first being able to accurately define what the current process or situation is. A bit like a roadmap – it is easier to find a destination if you actually know where you are now.
Perhaps the best way to understand where the business is now is to do a detailed assessment of the status quo. This will help you to understand what your business objectives are and also the constraints that are imposed on the business (possibly legal/regulatory constraints) and the business expectations, which could be measured in customer satisfaction levels, brand awareness or reputation.
It will also help to clarify short and long term goals for a better understanding of why those goals are in place and how steps towards achieving those goals are tracked and measured. Measuring success reinforces a company’s vision and helps to motivate staff, which is particularly important if a new, automated process is being implemented that could be seen to threaten roles, jobs or simply the status quo. Employees rarely embrace change and are more likely to resist it if they do not understand the reasons behind it.
Defining current processes and where an organisation sits with relation to where they either want or need to be will enable that organisation to better reach their destination with employees at all levels convinced of the necessity of the changes required to implement a document management strategy.