4 reasons to use self storage for document archiving

self Storage for document archivingYou know self storage can give you extra space when you need it, but did you know it is an ideal document archive for businesses too? Here are 4 top reasons you should be considering self storage for document archiving instead of keeping everything on site.

  • Free up valuable space: Office space comes at a premium cost. No doubt your office costs much more per square metre than a self storage unit would, so why waste valuable space with boxes and boxes of archived documents?


  • Top notch security: Self storage units have CCTV, 24 hour security patrols, key code access and many other high quality security features. Can you say the same about your office building? Even if you can, think about during the working day when the key to your document archive is hanging on the administrators desk; just how secure is it then?


  • Climate control: Good self storage units will be completely controlled for temperature and humidity, meaning your archived documents will be kept in the best condition possible. This is in comparison to an office storage cupboard where air movement is restricted and extremes of temperature are the norm, and where documents can become damp, mouldy or brittle over time.


  • 24 / 7 access: Office buildings tend to be locked up at night and during the weekend, and can be a nuisance to get into even for key holders. Self storage units can offer 24 hour access, 365 days of the year if needs be, so you can retrieve your documents at any time you like.